Georgios Artopoulos is Assistant Professor at STARC. He works on immersive and virtual environments, urban modeling and digital simulation for the study of built heritage and the creative exploration of historical narratives. Together with the team of Virtual Environments Lab, at the CyI, Georgios is developing ICT-enabled user-driven tools for social resilience and inclusion, with an application in historic cities. The social aspects of historic space and the cross-disciplinary nature of the pressing challenges facing our historic cities (e.g., climate, gentrification, decay, migration, etc.) are explored through the externally funded projects he is coordinating and contributing to (under H2020, ENI-CBC-MED, and Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation frameworks), his role as a Head of Virtual Competency Centre e-Infrastructure of the DARIAH ERIC, and as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe, where he works on matters of sustainable and liveable cities and urban areas. In the past he contributed to the H2020 Vi-SEEM project, the H2020 ZERO-PLUS project, and the H2020 COST Action TU1306, as Cyprus MC.
Giorgos holds a Master of Philosophy in Architecture and the Moving Image (University of Cambridge, UK, 2004) and a PhD, conducted at the Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge (2005-2010), with a Doctoral Award from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, where he assisted as Tutor and Research Assistant. Previously he was employed by the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Cambridge and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Giorgos has contributed in 15 International Research Programs and received the Best International Short Film award in Mestre Film Festival, Venice and his work was presented in the International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Czech National Gallery, Prague, the International Exhibition Computational Turn in Architecture, MAV, Marseille, the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, the 11th and 12th Biennale of Young Creators of Europe, the 63rd Venice Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, the Royal Institute of British Architects, London, the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Newcastle, the London Design Festival, London, the British Council, Brussels, the Benakis Museum, Athens and in many International Film Festivals and art exhibitions. His work was published in more than 30 peer-reviewed journals and books of architecture and 36 International Conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues.
Assistant Professor
The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia